Somos especialista con más de 25 años de experiencia

Servicio de tours y taxis
para Holanda y Bélgica

Servicio de Taxi 100% Eléctrico

Tours privados

Con nuestros tours privados en taxi por Ámsterdam y los Países Bajos descubrirá Holanda de la mejor manera posible, con comodidad y estilo. Nuestro conductor de habla inglesa le llevará en un tour privado en taxi que nunca olvidará. Nuestra misión es ofrecerle los mejores tours por Holanda adaptados a sus deseos y con atención a sus necesidades. Victoria Taxi Tour tiene conocimiento local que significa que le llevamos a los lugares más bellos fuera de los caminos trillados y a los puntos de interés de la ciudad. Por supuesto, podrá degustar la comida y bebida local holandesa en agradables restaurantes. Puede reservar su viaje privado en taxi en línea o ponerse en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico o por teléfono.


¿Necesita un traslado fiable desde o hacia los aeropuertos de Ámsterdam Schiphol, Rotterdam La Haya, Eindhoven, Fráncfort, Maastricht, Aquisgrán u otros aeropuertos internacionales? ¿O necesita transporte para un grupo a un destino en cualquier lugar de los Países Bajos o Bélgica? Entonces está usted en el lugar adecuado en Victoria Taxi Tour. Ofrecemos servicios fiables de taxi privado, excursiones y traslados al aeropuerto.

Somos especialista con más de 25 años de experiencia

Servicio de tours y taxis para Holanda y Bélgica

Conducimos eléctricos desde el 1 de mayo!

Nuestro taxi autobús eléctrico puede transportar a 7 personas, incluido el equipaje!

Tus vacaciones comienzan en el momento en que te recogemos en casa!

"Thank you for the best tour ever!"
Ms & Mr. Allen, Salt Lake City - Utah, US
"Thank you SO much Piet What a wonderful service we had with you on our tour today. We had such a good time. Commentary so excellent and such a comfortable way fo seeing the countryside. Such conviviality and clearly a customer service approach. Excellent vehicle, perfect timing and a perfect sense of humour The care factor was outstanding. I will highly recommend your service and if we do not have nay more opportunity to avail ourselves of your service for the next couple of days I wish to thank you and will mention your service to all my friends in the tourism industry. I know they will be as delighted as I and my family were in our trip around Holland."
Bettina Spivakovsky
"I can't thank you enough for arranging to have Peter meet us and chauffeur Katie & me around. It was perfectly wonderful. We both felt fine and felt we could absorb what we saw. To have the tickets in advance and to have Peter take us to the front door and then pick us up afterwards was a real treat. We will never forget Amsterdam and what we learned and saw, thanks to you. It was perfect! What a beautiful, tidy, attractive city full of all good things. We loved the art and Anne Frank's home. It was all awesome. Thank you very much."
"I wanted to thank you very much for everything. It was great and everybody was very pleased."Thank you very much."
ALina C. Zin, MAN Romania
"I just wanted to let you know that our tour of Amsterdam was OUTSTANDING! Piet our tour guide, was absolutely WONDERFUL!!!"
Sophia Ellul, US
"Thank you very much for taking care of our Holland Trip. We had a great time."
Stephen Edwards, UK
"I thought you would like to know that I got very positive remarks from my clients. A guide named Piet was especially pointed out as being terrific. The Private Marken Volendam & windmills Tour got very high marks with one couple calling it a highlight of the whole two weeks in Europe."
Ken Schwinn
Schwinn Tours & Travel, Inc. USA
"As far as our private tour in Amsterdam went, Piet was wonderful. He took us to the international flower auction at Aalsmeer, Delft Pottery factory, The Hague and the shores of the North Sea. He was prompt and courteous. We were very impressed with the itinerary. He was the same driver that took us to the airport the following day... again very prompt and courteous."
Lex Flink